Not Quite Like You Had Planned

When I found out that my summer would be a month longer than everyone else’s, I was thrilled–after all, imagine how many more books I could read, how many bike rides, beach visits, movies watched would fill up this extra month of freedom.  Now that this time has finally begun, it doesn’t seem nearly as appealing.  Most of my friends have drifted away across the country to start their studies for the year, and here I am, already anticipating the long transatlantic plane ride, over a month before I will actually embark on that journey.

Visa?  Just got over that hurdle.  (What was the problem, you ask?  Well, it involved my having to send in extra documents and hold my breath while the mail took its time, and bite my nails over whether the information I was sending in was even right).

Driver’s license?  Done!

Packing?  Getting there…

Being nearly the last to go to university, I find that the anxiety has finally set in.  Already dreaming about searching for my classrooms…  and the cluster headaches have returned, possibly triggered by stress (hopelessness–see Strange Nights–, the goddamn visa application, and now this general uneasiness with the long wait before September 30, when Freshers’ Week finally begins.

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